Our Purpose

In today’s society when talking about gender equality, many people have a tendency to confuse equality with similarity. In doing so, they forget the amazing attributes and abilities belonging to women. While women’s rights is a just cause that should be fought for, the expectation that women and men should be always treated and expected to act in the same ways is something I cannot accept.

I was inspired to start this blog due to various conversations about how the LDS church views women and their roles. I have heard people talk of inequality in the church between the sexes and have felt the pain many women feel as they go to church and wonder, “What is my place in all of this? Am I not just as important as the male Priesthood holders?”

My answer to that question is a resounding “YES!!!!” Women have so much to give to the building up of the kingdom of God on earth. Both in and outside of the home, women can help bring forth a work only complimented by that of the men of the church.

In starting this blog, my hope is that by the sharing of experiences and insights, more women in the church will understand their place in God’s work on earth and be proud to call themselves a woman in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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